Montville High School Home

Vision of the Graduate

A Montville graduate who has the skills and dispositions to navigate complex tasks is a:
1. Communicator       2. Information Consumer
3. Problem Solver      4. Independent Learner
Pep rally ready!

Pep rally ready!

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Students observe how chemical reactions affect temperature and color

Students observe how chemical reactions affect temperature and color

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Culinary Cafe students prepare for the ECC Luncheon

Culinary Cafe students prepare for the ECC Luncheon

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Policy Committee Meeting

Time: 5:15 PM – 6 PM
Location: Superintendent's Large Conference Room, Board of Education Office
  • 2,017 Students
  • 8 Schools/Programs
  • $19,404 Per Pupil Expenditure
  • 228 Full-time Certified Staff
  • 93.4% Students taking courses promoting college and career readiness
  • 95.5% MHS Graduation Rate
  • 27 Sports Teams

Core Values and Beliefs

The Montville High School learning community values EFFORT, RESPECT, and RESPONSIBILITY. We believe that all students can learn and are capable of growing intellectually as well as socially. Additionally, students should be engaged and challenged within a safe learning environment in order to develop skills appropriate for postsecondary education and/or a career in the 21st century.

News & Announcements

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PowerSchool Cybersecurity Incident Update

Yesterday, January 29, 2025, PowerSchool initiated the process of notifying individuals whose information was determined to be involved. Please see click on this article for more information.

Poetry Contest

Write an original autumn poem - prize for the best one
Montville Wolves

Principal's Message

Dear Montville High School Community,
It is with great pride and excitement that I write this message to you all as the Principal of Montville High School.  I am excited and honored to have the opportunity to lead Montville High School as we continue to build our legacy. The high school years are unsurpassed in the unique and memorable opportunities that will present themselves. 
Montville High School is a problem solving community that values EFFORT, RESPECT, and RESPONSIBILITY. At Montville High School all students are challenged intellectually and socially within a safe learning environment in order to develop skills appropriate for postsecondary education and/or a career in the 21st Century.
Our teachers and staff are committed to providing all students with an appropriate and challenging educational experience in a respectful environment that fosters learning and growth. I believe that every student can learn and be successful if provided the right supports and opportunities.  Students need to study hard, challenge themselves, set high goals and enjoy the experience.
In addition to our academic offerings, a great opportunity for growth is through participation in various activities, clubs and athletics.  Through these opportunities we expect students will exhibit our core values and beliefs and acquire the skills and disposition of the vision of the graduate.
With Wolf Pride,
Principal Robert Alves
Students conducting a science experiment
Students at a pep rally
Culinary students preparing a dish