Business » Business


Addy Robarge, Career Education Coordinator, Business Department Chair
The Business Department offers courses and programs to meet a wide variety of students' interests and needs. Our curriculum is designed to prepare students for those life skills that will be utilized at Montville High School, in post-secondary education or employment. Students can choose to explore areas of study, such as accounting, marketing, entrepreneurship, business law, personal finance, and computer applications. These courses provide students with the opportunity to explore future career decisions before graduating high school.
For students entering their freshman year, the newly revised Computer Applications course will provide them with the opportunity to actually do assignments for other classes under the guidance of their business teacher. Projects utilizing Word, PowerPoint, Prezi, and Excel, as well as web-based research programs, can be used to enhance assignments in the core academic areas.
Personal Finance is a semester course and is a required course for graduation. All students must now take Personal Finance in order to better understand their future earnings potential, the budget know-how to plan to live within their future income level, the art of saving and investing, and the decision-making skills necessary to solve consumer problems, such as buying a home or car.
The department also offers many elective courses for freshmen through seniors. College credit for ECSU in the Public Speaking course can be earned. In addition, the department also offers Job Shadowing and a Senior Internship Program which places qualified senior students into local businesses. For students that are looking for an academic challenge, Honors Accounting offers students the experience of what a college business program would offer to students in the areas of financial and managerial accounting.

Business and Career Exploration Curriculum Documents