Athletics » Athletics


Montville High School Athletics

Montville High School supports the beliefs that a strong program of extra curricular activities provides a balance of educational programming for its students. Athletic competition contributes to greater student awareness of self-discipline, growth in emotional maturity and in increasing realization of the worth of the individual. Students should learn that participation in athletics is not a right but a privilege. Maintaining one's academic standing in the classroom and maintaining a high standard of conduct outside of school as well.
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Welcome all new members! The MABO starting utilizing an online signup for concession duties. This site will help show availability AND needs for all MHS home games. Please fill-in each slot that you can so that our concession needs will be filled to support our team and have fun with the Boosters. Remember 5 times and you get $5 dollars off next years membership-but who only wants to do a couple? We need grilling experts & fun salespeople to raise money & feed our fans!