English Learners
Faith Emond, Coordinator
- Suzanne Gulotta
English Learner (EL) Students
When a student is registered for school, parents complete a three question Home Language Survey regarding the language(s) the student acquired first, the language(s) the student most often speaks, and the language(s) spoken in the home. If the parent indicates any language other than or in addition to English, the child will be assessed in speaking, listening, reading, and writing by EL staff to determine if the student requires English Learner (EL) services.
The English Learner Coordinator will notify parents of the results of this assessment and request permission for the student to receive EL services. EL services may include direct instruction from EL staff, push-in support in the classroom, consultation with the classroom teacher, and accommodations for standardized assessment. Students participating in the EL Program are assessed annually to measure progress in English language acquisition and determine continued eligibility for services.
Our goal in the EL program is to ensure students achieve English language proficiency through research-based programs and content-area instruction modified for access at all levels of English proficiency, while valuing and being mindful of each student’s language and cultural background.
英语学习者协调员将通知家长此评估的结果。如果有需要,他们会争取家长允许学生接收EL服务。 EL服务可能包括EL教导师的直接指导,课堂上的支持,课堂教师的咨询以及对标准化考试的建议和教导。之后每年都会对参加EL课程的学生英语学习进度做出评估,并确定是否继续有需要EL服务的必要。
Parent Bill Of Rights for English Learners / Multilingual Learners
માતાિપતા અિધકારોનું િબલ
અંગ્રે શીખનારા/બહુભાષી શીખનારાઓ માટે
અંગ્રે શીખનારા/બહુભાષી શીખનારાઓ માટે
Deklarasyon dwa paran yo
pou moun k ap aprann Anglè oswa plizyè lang
pou moun k ap aprann Anglè oswa plizyè lang
Deklarasyon dwa paran yo
pou moun k ap aprann Anglè oswa plizyè lang
pou moun k ap aprann Anglè oswa plizyè lang
Karta praw rodziców dla osób uczących się języka angielskiego/uczniów wielojęzycznych
Declaración de derechos para padres
de estudiantes de inglés/estudiantes multilingües
de estudiantes de inglés/estudiantes multilingües
Білль про права батьків
учнів, які вивчають англійську мову/кілька мов
учнів, які вивчають англійську мову/кілька мов
Luật về các quyền của phụ huynh
dành cho Người học tiếng Anh/Người học đa ngôn ngữ
dành cho Người học tiếng Anh/Người học đa ngôn ngữ